Hamlet in Jerusalem
Directed by: Gabriele Vacis, Marco Paolini
Languages: En
Status: Released
Hamlet in Jerusalem is a show that brings together two great protagonists of Italian theatre, Gabriele Vacis and Marco Paolini, creators of the long and happy season of storytelling theatre, and is produced by the Teatro Stabile di Torino with the patronage of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the International cooperation.
Hamlet in Jerusalem is a project by Gabriele Vacis and Marco Paolini that has very distant roots, as well as their friendship and artistic collaboration. An idea that was born in 2008 in Jerusalem, at the Palestinian National Theater in East Jerusalem, under the aegis of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Development Cooperation: an acting school for Palestinian children, whose desire to work in the theater it is stronger than social prejudices. The following year the laboratory continued in Italy, where the students also worked with Laura Curino, Emma Dante, Valerio Binasco, Alessandro Baricco and Roberto Tarasco. The TAM school (Theatre and Multimedia Arts) has presented results of its work at the Venice Biennale, at the Teatro Valle in Rome and at the Paolo Grassi School of Dramatic Arts in Milan. The fundamental nucleus of the teaching that Vacis implements is the array, a process that combines movement and attention which has long been the basis of the director's work: «Alignment – explains Vacis – is the exercise that I've been working on for many years. It teaches you to see what you see and hear what you hear. Knowing how to see, knowing how to listen, is necessary for an actor who wants to be the author of his own presence on stage». And the key to being able to listen to and create a theatrical journey is to start from Shakespeare's Hamlet, from the awareness that all the facets of life can be seen in it, complicated by the experiences of those who live in Palestine: the rites of passage, the man/ woman, the conflict with the family, the generations in comparison, anger, madness, love.