The idea for this show comes from Lettere Lutherane, the last articles that Pier Paolo Pasolini wrote for Il Mondo and Il Corriere della Sera in 1975 (the year of his death) and from reading an extreme and prophetic document: his last interview, released to Furio Colombo the day before he was killed, which sounds more like a confession. An interesting and stimulating experiment in artistic contamination, We are all in danger collects the reflections, fears, denunciations and aspirations of a great man who was not only a filmmaker but also, and above all, a poet and prophet.
2007, Italy
Directed by: Daniel Salvo
Produced by: Fahrenheit 451 Theater
Genre: Drama
Languages: It
By Daniel Salvo
With Gianluigi Fogacci, Max Sbarsi
Video scenography by Giandomenico Musu (INDYCA)